Cultural Society of the Year Shortlist

Find out who got shortlisted below, and an extract from one of their nominations.African Caribbean


They are the top society for making people of different culturally backgrounds feel welcomed in the university, especially the black community. Joining this society make it easier to form relationships with people you can relate especially when your a minority.

Bring All Internationals Together (B.A.I.T)

Despite being a new group, they have done really well this year with a solid programme of events throughout freshers and beyond, arranging trips into Manchester and events designed to do what they say, bring international students together at Salford.


A great accepting society making me feel at home whilst away at university! From bagel lunches to just having people I can reach out to in confidence for any troubles or issues I may encounter. JSOC has allowed me persue my studies and my career whilst being able to keep contact with my culture, religion and way of life.


It was really fun to attend the events conducted by this society. Being an international student I got  to learn about different cultures and traditions  through this society. Especially the Diwali event conducted by the society was fantastic, they portrayed each and every minor details of the celebration done like in India.


Find out the winner by tuning in on Friday 22nd May 2020, details here: