Club Sport

Salford Club SportSalford Club Sport


The Students’ Union host around 33 different sports clubs – ranging from traditional sports such as football and rugby, to less traditional sports like Scuba and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu!

All groups are ran solely by fellow students, the committee, who will organise weekly training sessions, social events and look after club finances – all supported by your Students’ Union.

Each Sports Club sets their own membership fees, which can be found on each individual club's pages. Membership fees cover the cost of facility hire, personal accident insurance, competition entry and voting rights at the Sports Clubs AGM. First, Second and Third year and post grad students can use their inspire funds to purchase Club Sport Membership.

All of our clubs strive to be as inclusive as possible regardless of ability and backgrounds. First sessions are free of charge too, so if you find it’s not for you then you can always try something else without being out of pocket. And if we don’t have the sport you like… Then why not start a club! We'll provide you with everything you need to know about starting a club, and support you through the process.

All sport here at Salford falls under the umbrella of Team Salford, working with the School of Health and Society to bring pitchside Rehab to our competitive BUCS teams and opportunities for placement, as well as working with the Sports Centre to give students the best experience in all sporting facilities across campus.


BUCs Information

Notice that we don't have a club for your sport?

Please feel free to contact  if you have any questions about starting a sports club. Otherwise please complete the form to apply to start a new club.