Ade's guide to a zombie apocalypse

Thursday 07-05-2020 - 14:22
2020   article   top tips   1   aocalypse 01

All of this reminds me of how it all started in Walking Dead. So, what if we all had 63 days to the beginning of a zombie apocalypse?

Thank me later but these are five ways to survive.

Go North, no, even further north

You want to get out of the city because that’s where most people live and guess what, the majority of them are zombies now! Although it’s tempting to be near places you can find supplies, don’t!! You want to find a place with abundant natural resources - cause from now, your meals are coming straight from mother nature and she doesn’t deliver on UberEATS. You are going North because the further north you go, the colder it gets, the colder it gets, the slower the zombie get and any zombie that follows you all the way north will be frozen and you can just knock the head off. Yeah, surviving in those extreme latitudes will be difficult, but you know what else makes it difficult to survive? Being eaten alive by hungry zombies!

Learn how to get clean drinking water

Now that you’ve taken my advice and decided to head north into the wilderness, it’s time to deal with one of the necessities of life - Clean drinking water. Of course, if you can hit up an army surplus or survival store, then do that and get a handy water filtration. But if you missed out, here is how to make one yourself. All you need is a plastic bag, some rocks and a bunch of dirt. Cut a small hole at the bottom of the bag, line the entire bottom with a layer of rock, above make a layer of sand, and then a rock layer again. Repeat two more times to make a total of 4 layers, alternatively before rocks and sand and voila, you have your homemade Brita filter. And no, it won't get rid of microscopic contaminate like bacteria and polar bear pee. But it will do a great job of filtering out larger particles and make water mostly safe to drink.

Don't hit up an army surplus or survival store system.

Remember how like 30secs ago, I said hit up an army surplus or survival store, that was a test and you failed, and now you are dead! You see, it's like when you visit an online forum and people are saying they will hit up their local gun shops, get some guns, and become badass zombie killers. That sounds cool, but the problem is everyone will have the same idea. So instead of going to fight for guns and other supplies, where you'll get killed by desperate/terrified people or waste so much time the zombies get to you, just start making you way north before everyone in the city becomes a zombie and it's harder to getaway. You'll be able to get these supplies in smaller population towns long after the initial wave of panic hits.

Stop aiming for the head

Because the two most important things to you are survival and conserving resources.

Aiming for the head is hard. This is not Call of Duty - firing a weapon in real life is a bit more difficult. There is the reason why police officers and soldiers are taught to aim centre mass, instead of taking badass headshots. You see, centre mass is far easier to hit and will seriously ruin someone’s day, and in this case, eliminate the chance of a zombie chasing you as you destroy its skeletal structure.

Learn to make fire without matches or a lighter

The fuel in a lighter will eventually break down, matches can get ruined by the weather or zombie attacked victim bleeding on them. It’s quite difficult to make a fire the old fashion way too. So, get

yourself a magnifying glass - you can easily find this in any science classroom. You'll very quickly be able to set fire on anything your desire. Just beware of forest fires, it will be sad to survive the walking dead, only to roast yourself alive.

But we are more likely to survive this than not. History shows that humanity kinda always finds a way. But if uncle Corona has taught us anything, it will be to place more emphasis on the things that are most important to us.

The buried life By Mathew Arnold

But often, in the world's most crowded streets,

But often, in the din of strife,

There rises an unspeakable desire

After the knowledge of our buried life;

The poem reflected how in Ben's and most of our lives, the day to day hustle buries what we really want to do, and we have a moment where we inspire but then that just gets buried by life.

To unbury his dreams, ben asked this question - What do you want to do before you die? Because the thought of death is the only thing that shakes us enough to realise what is really important.

So, the answer to this question forms our bucket list.

This makes absolute sense, but why isn’t everyone doing this and smashing their bucker list?

Well the simple answer is that while there are deadlines for everything else, there are No Deadlines for Personal Goals

Sadly, Prof Thomas was quoted to have said - You'll regret more the things that you didn't do than the things you did.

Now let’s do this following these simple steps.

1. Forget all you know about a bucket list - Adventure? No! There is more. Your bucket list can have anything from Health and Fitness, your Intellectual Life, your Emotional Life, your Character, your Spiritual Life, your Love Relationships, Parenting, Social Life, Financial, Career, Quality of Life, and Life Vision

The only rule is that it is important to you.

2. Write it down - you have a 40% chance of doing it this way.

3. Share it, post online, share with friends, but be intentional about your outreach and find resources that will take you one step closer.

4. Start with from ‘1’ - Pretend a gene will help do just one thing on your list and nothing else. What you choose is the most important thing, so that is where you begin.

The more of the big list items that happen, the more you realise you can do anything and then it becomes less of a matter of 'Can I do it' and more a question of ‘which one of these paths I am taking’ Don’t overthink it!! Now go write them down and you’ll be taking a step most people will never take.

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